TourGuide Jay

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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain  has changed to become a Sea Adventure with

Here is how it works:  

GeniGreen is loacted in Olversons Lodge Creek Marina Lottsburg, VA.  While here either by connecting and setting up a family or individual weekend aboard, with weather permitting, we will enjoy basic training and sailing the Northern Neck Waters with a potential of anchoring out.

But there is more, we are planning a trip to the Florida Waters traveling along the Eastern US shores this late fall.  If you would like to sail and get additional on-board experience we can help you find your passions.  Shared expenses is the way this gear is your own choosing, with good advice, it will last for years to come.  Memories created are lifetime and normally good mentors are all around. It can be for a few days or a few weeks depending on the commitment and space available.

Workaway4Sailing projects are wonderful,  Min 5 hours per day work after 4-5 days then Sailing is planned. On board living is included but meals are on your own with needed Galley (Kitchen) onboard available.  

Videos to cover most issues will be posted to this website.

• Sailing the Florida Waters in the Warm Winter

• Extreme Wifi Capabilities

• Three Cabins with Full Size Custom Mattresses

• 1 TV's Inside with Steaming Capabilities

• Total Boat use NOT AVAILABLE (no Bareboat)

• Deisel Hybrid Electric Sailboat "Green Theme"

• Potential Scuba Diving

• Compost Toilet Promoting "Green Theme"

• Grean Crusing Sailing Catamaran

ª Filter System For Pure Water in any Condition

• Full Shower inside/outside with hose nosel

• Multiple Kid Friendly Amenities

• Multiple Projects Through